
3-1*-** Tsukiji 3 Chome Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-004* Japan
Phone:03-4***-1*** FAX:03-4***-2*** E-mail:um001@global.co.jp
Date: October 01, 2009
Our Ref.: A-101
International IT Network Inc.
NEW YORK, NY 1*02*
Dear ○○○:
During the two years we have worked together, and your work has been excellent. However, your absentee record without prior notice has been increasing recently.
As you can see, our work cannot be done without your attendance.
We are having some difficulty handling schedule of our team.
If you need to see a doctor, it is quite easy for us to schedule for it.
It is with great reluctance that I inform you that if such a happening recurs, you will be asked to submit your resignation.
「社員への警告」の文例 日本語訳
Tokyo, Japan, April 1st,2010 --- TLL Inc and Universal Machinery Inc have signed an agreement to combine companies in a merger of equals.During the two years we have worked together, and your work has been excellent. However, your absentee record without prior notice has been increasing recently.
As you can see, our work cannot be done without your attendance.
We are having some difficulty handling schedule of our team.
If you need to see a doctor, it is quite easy for us to schedule for it.
It is with great reluctance that I inform you that if such a spening recurs, you will be asked to submit your resignation.
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