


森 弘之

執筆者:森 弘之






The color of the neighbour's house is blue.


The color of the neighbour's house is blue.


イギリス英語では --our で終わる単語がアメリカ英語では --or で終る例がいくつかあります。

Favour - Favor
Flavour - Flavor
Colour - Color
Humour - Humor
Honour - Honor
Labour - Labor
Neighbour - Neighbor




アメリカ英語「Have」vs イギリス英語「Have got」

「持っている」「所有している」という意味での have は、have got と言い換えることもできます。たとえば、

He has a new car = He's got a new car.
Do you have a POKEMON card? = Have you got a POKEMON card?

この表現、アメリカでもイギリスでも使えますが、どちらかというと、イギリスは have got 派、アメリカは have 派といえるでしょう。



というとき、already を使って

I've already bought the magazine.


I already bought the magazine.

というように、過去形でも already を使って、現在完了と同じ意味を表現することができます。現在完了を使わなくて済むぶん、これはとても便利な表現ですね。同じように、現在完了で使うことの多い justyet なども、アメリカでは過去形で用いることで現在完了と同じ意味を表すことができます。

I have just arrived from Chicago. = I just arrive from Chicago.

I haven't understand the theory yet. = I don't understand the theory yet.




アメリカ イギリス
acknowledgment acknowledgement
advertize advertise
afterward afterwards
airplane aeroplane
aluminum aluminium
analog analogue
analyze analyse
analyzed analysed
analyzer analyser
analyzing analysing
anesthesia anaesthesia
anesthetic anaesthetic
anesthetizing anaesthetising
apologize apologise
armor armour
armored armoured
armorer armourer
armoring armouring
armory armoury
artifact artefact
ax axe
B.S. B.Sc.
backward backwards
barbecue barbeque
behavior behaviour
behavioral behavioural
beside besides
bookkeeper book-keeper
canceling cancelling
catalog catalogue
catalyze catalyse
center centre
centerfold centrefold
centering centring
centimeter centimetre
centralize centralise
channeled channelled
characterize characterise
check cheque
checker chequer
cigaret cigarette
citrus citrous
civilization civilisation
civilize civilise
collectible collectable
color colour
colored coloured
colorful colourful
coloring colouring
commission commision
complete compleat
counselor counsellor
cozy cosy
criticize criticise
defense defence
deflexion deflection
deodorizing deodorising
desensitizer desensitiser
dialling dialing
dialog dialogue
diarrhea diarrhoea
disk disc
donut doughnut
doodad doodah
draft draught
economizer economiser
emphasize emphasise
enclosure inclosure
encyclopedia encyclopaedia
endeavor endeavour
enroll enrol
enrollment enrolment
ensure insure
equalizing equalising
favor favour
favorite favourite
fiber fibre
fiberglass fibreglass
fibers fibres
flavor flavour
flavoring flavouring
forward forwards
fulfill fulfil
fulfillment fulfilment
gage gauge
gray grey
greenhouse glasshouse
harbor harbour
harmonize harmonise
hauler haulier
honor honour
honorable honourable
humor humour
industrialization industrialisation
inflection inflexion
inquiry enquiry
jail gaol
jail goal
jeweler jeweller
jewelry jewellery
jewlry jewellery
judgment judgement
kidnaped kidnapped
kilometer kilometre
labeling labelling
labor labour
laborer labourer
leaned leant
license licence
liter litre
localizing localising
M.S. M.Sc.
magnetization magnetisation
magnetizing magnetising
marvelous marvellous
meter metre
millenium millennium
minimizing minimising
misjudgment misjudgement
modeled modelled
modeler modeller
modernize modernise
monolog monologue
neighbor neighbour
neighborhood neighbourhood
neutralization neutralisation
neutralizing neutralising
occurring occuring
odor odour
offense offence
optimization optimisation
organization organisation
organize organise
organized organised
oxidize oxidise
oxidizing oxidising
pajama pyjama
paneling panelling
panelist panellist
pantyhose panti-hose
parlor parlour
pavilion pavillion
pedagogy paedagogy
polarization polarisation
polarize polarise
polarized polarised
polyethylene polyethene
practicing practising
preferred prefered
prioritize prioritise
program programme
prolog prologue
quarreled quarrelled
raccoon racoon
railroad railway
realize realise
recognize recognise
recognizing recognising
routing routeing
rumor rumour
savor savour
saxophone saxaphone
sensitizing sensitising
sergeant serjeant
shop shoppe
skeptic sceptic
skillful skilful
specialize specialise
specialty speciality
spelled spelt
spilled spilt
stabilizer stabiliser
standardize standardise
summarized summarised
symbolize symbolise
synchronization synchronisation
synthesizing systhesising
theater theatre
tire tyre
ton tonne
toward towards
traveled travelled
traveler traveller
traveling travelling
tunneling tunnelling
utilizing utilising
vapor vapour
vaporizer vaporiser
wagon waggon
whiskey whisky

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