会議の通知:● The weekly sales meeting is scheduled for:
Wednesday September 13th at 10:30a.m. in the meeting room #10.
● The monthly board meeting has been scheduled for November 8th 10a.m.
● The meeting will be held in conference room #11.
● Please make sure that you are present.
● We are pleased to inform you that we are going to have an opening ceremony of our Singapore office.
● You are cordialy invited to be our guest at the 20th anniversary of our company.
● I would like to invite you to our welcome party.
● The Sales Department is having a welcome party for Mr.chen.
●議題 agenda
●会議の目的 the purpose / goal of the meeting
●調整 arrangements
●月例会議 Monthly meeting
●営業会議 Sales meeting
●営業戦略 sales strategy
●広告戦略 advertising strategy
●提案 proposal
●通知・お知らせ announcement
●ご意見 comments
●見通し projections
●議論する discuss
●出席する attend
●パーティー party●ディナー dinner
●招待する invite
●招待 invitation
●昼食会 a lunch-time party
●歓迎会 a welcome party
●送別会 a farewell party
●参加する participate
●参加希望者 those who would like to participate
●記念日 anniversary
●およそ approximately
●持ち寄りパーティー a potluck party
●卒業パーティー graduation party
●誕生パーティー birthday party
●服装規定 dress code