


執筆者:尾崎 佳加

最優秀監督賞 アン・リー(『ブローク・バックマウンテン』)

Achievement in Directing
Ang Lee
(c) Academy of Motion Picture Arts

Wow. I wish I knew how to quit you. First of all, I want to thank two people who don't even exist. Or I should say, they do exist, because of the imagination of Annie Proulx and the artistry of Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana. Their names are Ennis and Jack. And they taught all of us who made "Brokeback Mountain" so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love is denied by society, but just as important, the greatness of love itself. Thank you. Thank you members of the Academy for this tremendous honor. And to everyone at Focus Features, in particular, David Linde, James Schamus, thank you for your love and support. To Bill Pohlad, Tory Metzger, Ira Schreck , Joe Dapello, many thanks, and a special thanks to David Lee. And thanks to my wife, Jane Lin, and my boys, Han and Mason. I love you. On "Brokeback Mountain," I felt you with me every day. I just did this movie after my father passed away. More than any other, I made this for him. And finally, to my mother and family, and everybody in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Thank you.

first of all まず/はじめに
exist 存在する
artistry 芸術性/芸術家としての才能、手腕
deny 断る/拒絶する
just as important ちょうど同じほど重要
tremendous すばらしい/とてつもない
honor 名誉
in particular 特に
pass away 死去する(dieの遠まわし表現)
more than any other 他の何よりも
finally 最後に/ついに


I wish I knew how to quit you.

  • 受賞作品紹介記事 真実が罰せられた時代 『ブローク・バックマウンテン』
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