最優秀男優賞 フィリップ・シーモア・ホフマン(『カポーティ』)
Philip Seymour Hoffman
(c) Academy of Motion Picture Arts
Wow, I'm in a category with some great, great, great actors. Fantastic actors, and I'm overwhelmed. I'm really overwhelmed. I'd like to thank Bill Vince and Caroline Baron. And Danny Rosett, the film wouldn't have happened without them. I'd like to thank Sarah Fargo, I'd like to thank Sara Murphy. I'd like to thank Emily Ziff, my friends, my friends, my friends. I'd like to thank Bennett Miller, and Danny Futterman, who I love, I love, I love, I love. You know, the Van Morrison song, I love, I love, I love, and he keeps repeating it like that. And I'd like to thank Tom Bernard, and Michael Barker. Thank you so much. And my mom's name is Marilyn O'Connor, and she's here tonight. And I'd like if you see her tonight to congratulate her. Because she brought up four kids alone, and she deserves a congratulations for that. Oh, I'm at the party, mom, you know? And she took me to my first play, and she stayed up with me and watched the NCAA final four. And my passions, her passions became my passions. And, you know, be proud, mom, because I'm proud of you, and we're here tonight, and it's so good. Thank you.
overwhelm 圧倒する/閉口させる
congratulate 祝福する
deserve 値する
stay up 徹夜して起きている
NCAA 全米大学体育協会(National Collegiate Athletic Association)/同協会のカレッジバスケットボール戦
I'm overwhelmed.
「(感動で)言葉になりません」はスピーチ時などの決まり文句。2003年『コールド マウンテン』で助演女優賞を受賞したレニー・ゼルウェガーもスピーチにこの言葉を用いました。