あなたの英語教室・英語育児サークルをハロウィーンならではの恐怖でいっぱいの教室にしましょう。 小学校のように大人数でもうまくできますよ。
子供たちから「怖い!」という言葉が聞けたら大成功!ぜひぜひ盛り上げてくださいね。 子供たちはお話に夢中になりながら英語をしっかり聞いて理解していますよ。

A boy digging at the edge of the garden when he saw a big toe. He tried to pick it up, but it was stunk to something. So he gave it a good hard jerk, and it came off in his hand. Then he heard something groan and scamper away. The boy took the toe into the kitchen and showed it to his mother. "It looks nice and plump," she said. "I will put it in the soup, and we will have it for supper." That night his father carved the toe into three pieces, and they each had a piece. Then they did dishes, and when it got dark they went to bed. The boy fell asleep almost at once. But in the middle of the night, a sound awakened him. It was something out in the street. It was a voice, and it was calling to him. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-o-e?" it groaned. When the boy heard that, he got very scared. But he thought, "It doesn't know where I am. It never will find me." Then he heard the voice once more. Only now it was closer. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-o-e?" it groaned. The boy pulled the blankets over his head and closed his eyes. "I will go to sleep," he thought. "When I wake up it will be gone." But soon he heard the back door open, and again he heard the voice. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-o-e?" it groaned. Then the boy heard footsteps move through the kitchen into the dining room, into the living room, into the front hall. Then slowly they climbed the stairs. Closer and closer they came. Soon they were in the upstairs hall. Now they were outside his door. His door opened. Shaking with fear, he listened as the footsteps slowly moved through the dark toward his bed. Then they stopped. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e?" the voice groaned. (At this point, pause. Then jump at the person next to you and shout:) "You've got it!!"
何より一番大切なのは先生の話し方です。物語をそのまま読むのではなく 子供たちに意味がわかるように話すことです。話の筋をつかんだら盛り上げる ところを作るのです。
この物語では「親指はどこだぁー?」と叫ぶ声をだんだん 盛り上げて最後にびっくりさせるとよいでしょう。物語の最後に叫びながら 近くの子供の親指を突然つかむと効果的です。
声のトーンを変える、部屋を暗くする、ジェスチャーを多く使うなど 怖くするコツはいろいろありますね。