エコ・キッチン ZEROの提案
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上のご案内の通り、5月22日から6月3日まで、新宿・リビングデザインセンターOZONEの6階にあるリビングデザインギャラリーに於いて、(社)日本インダストリアルデザイナー協会 東日本ブロック環境委員会のメンバー13名が参加して、「インダストリアルデザイナーが発想する・エコデザイン展」を開催しました。 |
キッチンをエコという切り口で考えてみると、様々な問題が浮かび上がってきます。 この「エコキッチン」を実現するためには、数多くのハードルがあります。 |
When you consider the kitchen from the aspect
of environmental conservation, various problems will emerge. In the living space, the kitchen consumes especially huge amount of energy, and there are a slew of problems that must be solved, such as garbage, waste water, exhaust fume and heat, etc., which are all discharged from the kitchen. For the future global environment, you may not neglect such problems for the kitchen as massive energy consumption and wasting of foodstuffs. Consequently, we propose this time "Eco Kitchen ZERO" which is reduced energy input and output with every possible latest technology in order to minimize the environmental burden. To be more specific, we suggest such innovative design of kitchen as closed system which consists of Peltier refrigerator by solar power generation; fuel-cell-powered, all-in-one induction heating cookware; supply of water by feed water tank; integrated sink with tanks to keep waste water and garbage; and so on. Moreover, we assume ecologically-minded meal scene by setting minimum unit of cutlery and tableware, which is made use of reclaimed porcelain, under the feed water tank. For this proposal, I enlisted cooperation from the members of HOTNET study group, which was formed to consider the kitchen space for Japanese at the same time OZONE was established. I would like to say thank you so much to every staff of TOYO KITCHEN & LIVING Co., LTD. for making such a difficult modeling as this design. There are a vast number of the hurdles to make this "ecologically-friendly kitchen ZERO" a reality, but I hope this idea makes strides toward realization reflecting your opinions. I would be very happy if you approve this proposal and participate in it. |
次のページでは、”エっ!!コれが・キッチン!!」ときっと驚かれる、実験的キッチンモデルの実際をご覧いただけます。 |
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