難しいのは、その語順が日本語と英語で逆の場合と同じ場合とがあるという点です。たとえば「左右」は英語で"right and left"と逆順になるのに対し、「上下」は"up and down"と同順になります。
南北 north and south需要と供給 supply and demand
左右 right and left
紳士淑女 ladies and gentlemen
白黒 black and white
東西南北 north, south, east and west
飲食 eat and drink (food and drink)
行き来 come and go
前後 back and forth
新郎新婦 bride and groom
売り買い buy and sell
あちこち here and there
あれこれ this and that
雌雄 male and female
新旧 old and new
遠近 near and far
寒暖 hot and cold
乾湿 wet and dry
上下 up and down男女 men and women
夫婦 husband and wife
生死 life and death
大小 large and small
早晩 sooner or later
好き嫌い likes and dislikes
増減 increase and decrease
内外 inside and outside
手足 hands and feet
開閉 opening and closing